SimpleHR Express
SimpleHR Express
$199 $100
lifetime licenseper year
Single UserSingle User
Free downloadFree download
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No training requiredNo training required
Email support onlyEmail support only
Easy upgrade to SimpleHR 9.0Easy upgrade to SimpleHR 9.0
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Employees moduleEmployees module
Pay & Benefits modulePay & Benefits module
Training moduleTraining module
Jobs moduleJobs module
Security moduleSecurity module
Standard reportsStandard reports
Report writerReport writer
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SimpleHR 9.0
SimpleHR 9.0
$495 $100
lifetime licenseper year
Multiple UsersMultiple Users
Free downloadFree download
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No training requiredNo training required
Email support onlyEmail support only
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Easy upgrade to Online Pro Easy upgrade to Online Pro
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Employees moduleEmployees module
Pay & Benefits modulePay & Benefits module
Training moduleTraining module
Jobs moduleJobs module
Security moduleSecurity module
Standard reportsStandard reports
Report writerReport writer
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SimpleHR Pro
SimpleHR Pro
$0.99 $100
per employee/week
(Billed Annually)
per year
Unlimited UsersUnlimited Users
Implementation, 30 hoursImplementation, 30 hours
Training - 10 hours Training - 10 hours
Phone Support - 2500 minutesPhone Support - 2500 minutes
Security | BackupSecurity | Backup
24/7 | Included (Daily) 24/7 | Included (Daily)
Uptime, 99.50%Uptime, 99.50%
50Gb storage50Gb storage
Employees moduleEmployees module
Pay & Benefits modulePay & Benefits module
Training moduleTraining module
Jobs moduleJobs module
Security moduleSecurity module
Standard reportsStandard reports
Report writerReport writer
Careers PortalCareers Portal
Document ManagementDocument Management
Workflow ProcessesWorkflow Processes
Time-off TrackingTime-off Tracking
Online Request & ApprovalsOnline Request & Approvals
Careers PortalCareers Portal Integration Integration
Quickbooks Online IntegrationQuickbooks Online Integration
Security | Backup Security | Backup
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SimpleHR Enterprise
$1.49 $100
per employee/week
(Billed Annually)
per year
Unlimited UsersUnlimited Users
Implementation, 60 hoursImplementation, 60 hours
Training - 20 hoursTraining - 20 hours
Phone Support - 5000 minutes Phone Support - 5000 minutes
Security | BackupSecurity | Backup
24/7 | Included (Daily) 24/7 | Included (Daily)
Uptime, 99.50%Uptime, 99.50%
Unlimited storageUnlimited storage
Employees moduleEmployees module
Pay & Benefits modulePay & Benefits module
Training moduleTraining module
Jobs moduleJobs module
Security moduleSecurity module
Standard reportsStandard reports
Report writerReport writer
Careers PortalCareers Portal
Document ManagementDocument Management
Workflow ProcessesWorkflow Processes
Time-off TrackingTime-off Tracking
Online Request & ApprovalsOnline Request & Approvals
Careers PortalCareers Portal Integration Integration
Quickbooks Online IntegrationQuickbooks Online Integration
Security | Backup Security | Backup
Web Services APIWeb Services API
Developer SupportDeveloper Support
Technical SupportTechnical Support
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SimpleHR Pays for Itself

Type your data into the Calculator and see for yourself how quickly SimpleHR would pay for itself. You purchase the program once but you receive the benefits of the Human Resource Management software year after year. These are just two examples to show your controller. Please see below for more reasons that SimpleHR could benefit your company and save money.

SimpleHR ROI Calculator
(Vacation and Attendance Example)
Estimate the total number of extra vacation days per year.
Days taken by employees & missed by supervisors & not tracked?
The # of replacement workers required for the extra vacation days.
The work still has to be completed.
(This is usually the same as the estimate above).
Number of unnecessary sick days taken per year by employees that were not monitored?
The # of replacement workers? The work must still be completed.
(This is usually the same as the estimate above)
Total Number of Days
Muliplied by the cost per day of each employee.
Average hourly wage x 8 hour work day
(For this example lets use $15 per hour x 8 hours or $120 per day)
x $120 = $
One time cost of SimpleHR
Minus $
Dollars that could be saved per year with the help of SimpleHR

This estimate is conservative as it reflects only the direct value of lost work hours, and does not include such indirect costs as overtime costs, benefits or reduced productivity.

SimpleHR ROI Calculator
(Legal Example)
Estimate the total number of hours paid per year to your lawyer.
Hours that were paid as a result of labour disputes with an employee.
Enter the hourly rate of your labour lawyer.
(Min. $250.00 hr.)
Total Legal Costs
One time cost of SimpleHR
Minus $
Dollars that could be saved per year with the help of SimpleHR
= $

SimpleHR helps to track all employee disciplinary information so a company is not caught off guard when a current or recently terminated employee decides to sue.


Other examples where SimpleHR could save your company money are:

  • Reminder to take a terminated employee off of benefits.
  • Wasted time trying to consolidate data for reports.
  • Pinpoint trouble areas in the company like turnover and salaries not meeting budgets.
  • Ensure all company property is returned by terminated employees.


Have a question about how to use
SimpleHR that not answered FAQ?

Send us an email and we’ll respond right away.
E-mail: [email protected]

Contact us

Benefits of a Human Resource System for Small Businesses

One Place for all Employee Information

Enter data into one human resource database instead of a combination of spreadsheets, word processing and paper files. This reduces errors and re-keying.


Eliminate Multiple Copies of Employee Information

Do three people in your office track the same information. Enter it only once.


Instant Access to Personnel Files

Answer those common employee questions of:

  • How many vacation days do I have left?
  • When is my next performance review?
  • When was my last raise?

This will take seconds instead of hours, which will increase the employee service levels and makes you and the company more professional.



Have the ability to easily report on everything from Salary history, vacations, absenteeism to who has what company property. No need to consolidate spreadsheets anymore.


Increase Employee Retention

If employees feel part of the team with better communication, performance reviews provided on time, you can retain your top performers.


Lower Turnover and Reduce Costs

Reducing turnover will hit your bottom line. If you can keep your turnover rates low then you will reduce your recruitment costs, training costs and overall administration costs.
